One of Nature's "miracles" nutrients, our Azmira Garlic Extract contains the strongest allicin content 1000 mlg. of only the freshest, pesticide free garlic, combined with 500 mlg. parsley extract. Considered by veterinarians to target circulation, digestion and nerves; may purge toxins, stimulate the lymphatic systems and immune system. A favorite of Lisa's for the skin, immune system or digestive problems.
People have used Garlic Daily Aid to detoxify the body of yeast, fungal infections, bacteria, and other viral infections. It's excellent for allergies and skin problems.
Garlic Daily Aid works well with Super C 2000 and Mega Pet Daily.
Directions For Use
- Cats, dogs & small animals: 1 drop per 10lbs of body weight 2x day
- Horses : 1/4 to 1tsp 2x per day
Will not cause stomache upset.