As a loving pet owner, you want the best possible products to make your pet's life the best it could be. North Coast Pets carries a variety of healthy pet products made from the most natural ingredients for your dogs, cats, birds, and more. Our all-natural dog treats (kangaroo treats, ostrich treats and rabbit treats) are all grain-free without preservatives. We also have flea control products to help prevent and treat the outbreak of fleas, and essential equine products for your horse including anti-cast strips, vitamins, first aid and grooming supplies. Take a more holistic and natural approach to caring for your animals to ensure a long and healthy life together.
If you are looking for top quality pet supplies for your dog, cat, fish, bird or horse, you have come to the right place. Come in and have a look around. Check out our dog grooming supplies featuring brand names like Laube, K-9 and Metro Dryer. Check out our new nutritional supplements from K9-Power and Nzymes. Many items like our Kangaroo Treats, Ostrich Treats and Rabbit Treats won't be found at your local pet store and are vet recommended for dogs with allergies. Most pet stores have never even heard of B.A.R.F., yet we have a whole section for people who want to feed their dogs and cats a biologically appropriate raw food diet. Daily Best Liquid Vitamins (formerly Pawier) and Salmon Skin Treats are a hit with our canine friends! Ball crazy dog? Get a Egge or a Tuggo Ball. Tether Tug is great outdoor fun for your pup. Positive reward training your dog can be easy with our new MCRS Magnetic Training System and the K-9 BSD Reward Launcher. Have you ever seen a Dog Trotter Treadmill at your local pet store? So please, come on in and look around. If you have any questions, feel free to ask a qualified representative.
Most of all.....HAVE FUN!
This website is in memory of Samson, our white German Shepherd and Delilah, our Doberman (pictured on many of our pages) . Samson succumbed to liver failure on 12/20/2009. He was the best friend that I've ever had and will be deeply missed by all that knew him. Without him, we would never have started North Coast Pets. On 5/05/2015 Delilah joined Samson at the Rainbow Bridge. She was 12.5 yrs old. Now she plays with her Samson until we are together again.
Hug your pet whenever you can.
You never know how much time you will have with them.