What is BARF? | BARF....the name alone makes some people ill, but it sure will make your dog happy. The name Barf stands a diet the uses BONES AND RAW FOODS. Thanks to the internet, BARF has been sweeping the pet world. Both dogs and cats can eat a BARF, or raw diet. |
Why should I feed a BARF Diet? | Benefits of a Barf, or raw diet that no other diet can match:- no doggy odor
- naturally clean teeth. no need for brushing or cleaning. no gum disease
- much less stool volume due to no fillers used. firm stools.
- decreased or eliminated vet bills
- less expensive if done correctly
- pups grow at a better rate- stops fast growth spurts
- the ripping and chewing involved develops the jaw, neck and shoulder muscles (a very important benefit that commercial foods can't offer)
What results have people reported in the BARF diet? | - more energetic dogs
- less or non existent allergies
- less or non existent arthritis
- better weight control
- no doggy odor
- dogs are living longer, healthier lives
- bitches managed pregnancies better
- puppies have better weight and survival figures
What is wrong with my commercial dog food? | - a dog's food should never be cooked. it should be fed raw as in nature. cooking ruins most of the nutritional value.
- no bones to clean teeth and work the muscles and gums. chewing bones slows the eating process, less chance of over eating
- the main ingredient of commercial dog food is cereal. these cereals can cause a wide range of problems and allergies.
- commercial foods are full of preservatives, colors and salt. they have flavorings added to cause dogs to over eat.
- the majority of commercial foods have too much carbohydrates. these are linked to overeating, diabetes, weight gain and cancers.
Why do people still feed commercial foods? | - ADVERTISING. Millions of dollars are spent to tell you that commercial foods are the best diet for your dog.
Aren't chicken bones dangerous? | - one of the biggest myths. raw chicken bones are are great for your dog. they bend easily and break well for your dog to digest.
- NEVER FEED COOKED CHICKEN BONES. they are brittle and will splinter
- Feeding your dog is about management of risk. No matter which path you decide to take there is always risk. There is always someone who will criticize your decision. However you, and only you can decide what is best for your dogs. Weigh up all the benefits and risks. Do your own analysis. Do your research. Do what will have the greatest overall benefit for your dog.
What about bacteria on raw chicken? | - dogs have an immune system designed to eat all manner of bacteria.
- a dog's digestive system is much shorter and faster than a human's. the bacteria doesn't get a chance to cause health problems
- E-coli, salmonella and other bacteria are found everywhere on this planet.
- follow normal cleaning/disinfecting routines